Steps To Sobriety

Dangers of Alcohol Addiction and Driving

Alcohol is one the top reasons why many people encounter vehicular accidents. Alcohol addiction and driving do not go together as their combination could result in car crashes and fatalities on the road.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 28 fatalities in the United States daily involving a drunk driver. It means one person dies every 53 minutes.

In 2014, more than 1.1 million drivers were taken into custody for driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There were 9,967 deaths caused by alcohol intoxication in the same year.

Driving requires a driver with a clear mind and quick decision-making while on the road. It involves the right coordination of senses to be able to travel and arrive to the destination safely. However, alcohol addiction makes the driver unable to function well, causing car crashes and in some instances, the death of the driver or other people.

Despite public awareness, many people are still abusing alcohol. In 2012, statistics have shown that 29.1 million people reported drunk while driving.

Alcohol has the ability to impair the person’s central nervous system because it is a depressant. It can deteriorate the cognitive and psychomotor skills.

For these reasons a person, who consumed alcohol before driving is more vulnerable to car accidents and vehicular fatalities. Alcohol addiction increases the risk. People who have drinking problems have poor judgment, comprehension,visual acuity, coordination, and reaction time.

Among all age groups, the youths are more prone to vehicular accidents. Car crash is the main cause of death among teens ages 16 to 19. Their lack of expertise in driving coupled with alcohol intoxication makes them more inclined to vehicular accidents and death.

Some drivers abuse drugs such as marijuana which is considered lethal when combined with alcohol. This drug targets the brain area responsible for judgment,memory,coordination, balance, and body movements.

Based from studies, marijuana can potentially decrease the driver’s concentration and awareness of time and speed. The negative effects increase as the drug is mixed with alcohol.

To prevent accidents and deaths on the road, the law protects people and punishes drunk drivers. Driving under the influence (DUI),drunk driving, impaired driving or driving while intoxicated are all the same term that are considered a crime.

Alcohol addiction and driving could not be mixed together. Anyone caught violating the law can face a series of repercussion. In worse cases, they may be detained and pay certain penalties.

People battling alcohol addiction should seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent more serious implications in their lives. Driving while on alcohol and drugs is dangerous. Do not waste your life, your loved ones or the lives of innocent people. 

Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace
Alcohol Addiction: My Addiction Story